The status of workflow can be changed by RESTAPI. The R pcakge PhenoCopterAPI is a wrapper of PhenoCopter API.
Update the status for all flights in a field
In the example below, we trigger the workflow to archive
all flights in a field. See
workflow status for all status can be set,
# Load package
# Login PhenoCopter
pc_options(host = Sys.getenv('PC_HOST'),
email = Sys.getenv("PC_EMAIL"),
password = Sys.getenv("PC_PASSWORD"))
# List of flights
flights <- get_flights()
# Filter field by ID
field_flights <- keep(flights, function(x) {
x$fieldId == 999999
# Update status for each flight
for (i in seq(along = field_flights)) {
# Get the workflow
workflow <- get_flight_workflow(flight = field_flights[[i]]$id)
# Filter workflow "archive"
workflow_archive <- keep(workflow, function(x) {
x$workflow$name == 'archive'
}) %>%
# Check the status is "wait"
if (workflow_archive$status$name == "Wait") {
# Set the status as processing (3)
workflow <- list(id = workflow_archive$id,
flightId = field_flights[[i]]$id,
workflowId = workflow_archive$workflowId,
statusId = 3)
a <- put_flight_workflow(flight = field_flights[[i]]$id,
id = workflow_archive$id,
workflow = workflow)